Social media advertising Agency, SMM promotion Facebook and Instagram

Promote your business on Facebook and Instagram

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Select rate

Basic tariff

999 USD/mo.
  • 5 publications / 5 stories
  • Standart solutions
  • Targeted advertising
  • CPL, CPS optimization ">
  • Page design
  • Publication design
  • Translation of content
  • Conversion tracking
  • Personal manager
  • Monthly report
  • Profitability guarantee within 3 months

Medium tariff

1850 USD/mo.
  • 10 publications / 10 stories
  • Promotion strategy for 6 mths.
  • Targeted advertising
  • CPL, CPS optimization
  • Remarketing
  • A/B testing
  • Page design
  • Publication design
  • Translation of content
  • Conversion tracking
  • Personal manager
  • Monthly report
  • Profitability guarantee within 3 months

Premium tariff

2999 USD/mo.
  • 30 publications / 60 stories
  • Promotion strategy for 6 mths.
  • Targeted advertising
  • CPL, CPS optimization
  • Remarketing
  • A/B testing
  • Analyzing your competitors
  • Brand positioning
  • Selecting, verifying bloggers
  • Mood Board development
  • Publication design
  • Translation of content
  • Conversion tracking
  • Personal manager
  • Monthly report
  • Profitability guarantee within 3 months

Frequently Asked Questions

Price of promotion and advertising in social networks Instagram and Facebook largely depends on the amount of work performed, their quality and timing. The number of publications, their periodicity and focus also matters. FIVE STARS AGENCY Company has at least several specialists working on each project, including a strategist, a marketer and a content developer. And the more ambitious the goals set by the customer, the more resources are involved in the work and, accordingly, the higher is the price of brand promotion in social networks Instagram and Facebook.

SMM promotion should not be placed in private hands. Especially at the initial stage. This is due to the fact that SMM is an important part of the communication and marketing strategy, which badly needs to be integrated into the overall marketing communications system. Competently build the overall structure and make all the necessary adjustments, including targeting, can only specialists with sufficient experience in practical work.

We sometimes have to correct promotion methods after novice "SMM-specialists". Often the correction of other people's mistakes, followed by a competent adjustment of the system takes up a considerable amount of time, which is reflected in the price of the work. However, sometimes it is better not to waste time and money on different dilettantes, but to apply directly to the professionals of FIVE STARS agency!

FIVE STARS is a full-service digital agency. We solve any tasks for promotion and promotion of your goods and services on the Internet. Our highlight is a personal approach to the needs of each client. Our goal is a satisfied client!

After more than 10 years of experience in the digital industry, we achieved leading positions in SMM promotion and online advertising. We have a team of 25 professionals at your service, including marketers, analysts, auditors, programmers, designers, photographers, strategists, copywriters, target marketers, and other professionals with impressive experience and a solid knowledge base!

SMM (Social Media Marketing) is a complex of activities aimed at establishing and maintaining contact with your potential customers through social networks. Thanks to SMM advertising you can competently present the brand, form a positive image, increase recognition, and build a close relationship of trust with customers. In many cases, SMM is the most effective in terms of "warming up" the client to buy your products and services!

We have ready cases and rich experience in promoting and advertising companies operating in various sectors and activities. The team of FIVE STARS agency is always focused on long-term cooperation, and the recommendations of our regular clients are one of the main indicators of our excellent work! We are ready to give you a forecast of the results of your business promotion in social networks even before we conclude our contract with you!

Starting a page, creating a group, developing and posting content - that's not all you need to professionally advertise and promote your brand on Instagram and Facebook. To be effective, you need hands-on experience in areas such as:
- Engaging your target audience;
- Analyzing the performance of your competitors;
- Quickly identifying business weaknesses;
- Establishing and maintaining contact with your audience;
- weeding out the negativity;
- creation of selling texts;
- Selection and placement of video and photo content;
- development of successful pages in social networks;
- setting up targeted advertising.

This is only part of the functions required for successful SMM promotion of social networks. Lack of professionalism in at least one of the above areas can lead to just the opposite effect. If you have little experience and knowledge in SMM, then you should entrust the promotion and promotion of your business in social networks to the team of FIVE STARS agency!

We can use a huge number of social networks to promote and advertise your products and services. But do you really need it? There are many different social networks on the Internet, and each of them has its own focus, audience, regionality, and other characteristics. Even social networks with tens of millions of users might be not effective enough for your business if all the necessary conditions for SMM promotion are not met.

Of course, if you have an immeasurable advertising budget, we will place your ads everywhere at your request! However, the best option in terms of "price quality" is still to work with those sites where contact with your target audience is most likely. Save your money by trusting the professionals of the FIVE STARS agency!

There are methods for gaining a large number of subscribers in a short period of time. An impressive number may impress some users, but not those who are the slightest bit familiar with Internet technologies and targeting advertising. A large number of "likes" or subscriptions in many cases is not an indicator of interest in your company's products and services. Moreover, it can also damage your reputation when it turns out that most of the "likes" and subscriptions are from "dead" accounts, or people who simply can not use your services due to, for example, remoteness of residence.

On the other hand, if the bulk of your subscribers are your target audience, then the credibility of your company increases! The effect of SMM promotion and advertising is incomparably higher if the information from your page is read by people who are really interested in your products and services! FIVE STARS agency team offers you exactly such an audience.

You can promote almost any goods, brands, and services on social networks. The main differences lie in the choice of optimal Internet sites, the setting of targeting, as well as the objectives of promotion, such as:
- increasing sales;
- improvement of brand awareness;
- creating a positive image;
- maintaining a dialogue with the target audience.

Characteristics of the audience, regionality, orientation, and other parameters can vary greatly, so for each type of goods or service, we determine the most effective set of cases, settings, methods, and solutions.

For more than 10 years, the FIVE STARS agency team has been engaged in advertising and promoting brands, companies, goods, and services on social networks. Our specialists have collected a lot of cases and adjustments for different business areas. We constantly monitor any changes in SMM, thereby improving the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns. We often use situational marketing methods, which are most appropriate to the changes taking place in the country and in the world.

The optimal number of social media posts can only be determined after a careful analysis of the characteristics of your product or service, your field of activity, and the actions of your competitors. In one case only one "viral" publication per month may be enough, but in other situations, 5 advertising and information posts per day may be needed. The recommended number and frequency of publications experts will tell you after analyzing the specifics of your business.

SMM promotion and advertising of companies offering their services to legal entities is not an easy task. Nevertheless, competent representation of services and setting up B2B targeting in social networks contributes to solving a wide range of tasks, such as:
- Building and maintaining a certain image of your company;
- improvement of brand awareness among your potential customers;
- Strengthening the loyalty of existing customers;
- offering and selling your products and services to micro-businesses and self-employed professionals;
- Search for your employees with the help of social networks;
- Increase traffic to your site;
- lead generation.

It should be noted that advertising and promotion of B2B companies is not within the power of every SMM specialist. It requires sufficient experience and knowledge in the field of targeting, adjustment, content development, audience analysis, and other profile areas.

FIVE STARS agency team will provide you with everything you need to successfully promote your B2B company in social networks!

The size of the budget for SMM promotion and advertising is quite individual and largely depends on your goals, as well as the characteristics of your business. In our experience, the average check at the beginning of an SMM promotion is 1000 $ for one social network per month, whether it is Instagram or Facebook. Later when you see the result of our work, you can be satisfied with the effect and leave everything as it is, or decide to increase the budget in order to increase the number of orders and calls.

In turn, we constantly analyze your SMM campaign and are ready to provide you with professional recommendations for changing your advertising budget.

You can see the first results as early as the first week after the start of the SMM promotion.

Only professionals can do quality SMM promotion and advertising! We do not compete with amateurs, offering cheap promotion in all senses. Private specialists simply do not have enough time to perform the full range of work! And the methods of adjustment and promotion used by such "specialists" often lead to the opposite effect.

For example, private specialists often use technologies such as boosting counters and attracting bots. Scoring often leads to "banning", which means that your page becomes inaccessible to users. As for bots, none of them will buy your product, use your services, or fill your page with live communication. Is this the effect you are striving for?

We work only with your potential clients. The team of FIVE STARS agency devotes a lot of time and effort, delving into the specifics of your business, studying your target audience, and offering the best settings and strategies to increase your profits. Creation of the posts, work with the objections, competent analytics, development, adjustment, and focus advertising management - these and other functions of the SMM promotion will be effective for you only in case of well-coordinated work of the team of the competent specialists! FIVE STARS agency is at your service!

In the ever-evolving digital world, the role of social media has become indisputably significant. Businesses, from small enterprises to large conglomerates, are gravitating towards a strong online presence, primarily on social media platforms. The importance of social media marketing (SMM) can be analyzed from multiple perspectives, and as per the content from Fivestars Agency, the potential for growth and expansion through SMM is immense.

To start, social media has over billions of active users every day. This vast sea of potential customers has led digital marketing agencies, including social media marketing agencies, to channel their resources and expertise into creating effective social media strategies. Their main aim? To help businesses tap into this ocean of opportunities. The right marketing strategy, combined with the power of social media, can elevate a business to the next level.

Digital marketing is a vast domain that encompasses a plethora of components, including Google AdWords, search engine optimization, and, most prominently, social media marketing. With this, it's not a surprise that the demand for social media marketing agencies and digital marketing companies has soared in the last few years. Digital marketing allows businesses to target their niche market effectively. For instance, a real estate firm can use Facebook ads to target potential homebuyers, or a gaming company can utilize Instagram advertising to showcase their latest game.

Apart from promoting products or services, social media plays a pivotal role in brand recognition. Regular posts, interactive content, and engaging with the audience helps in establishing a strong brand voice. Additionally, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have become hotspots for direct sales and advertising.

Social media marketing is cost-effective. Instead of spending massive amounts on traditional advertising, businesses can invest in Facebook marketing, Twitter ads, and Instagram marketing. The return on investment (ROI) from such channels, when managed efficiently, can be significant. Lyfe marketing, among other top agencies, has numerous case studies highlighting the effectiveness of this approach.

Moreover, digital marketing is more than just about running Facebook ads or creating visually appealing Instagram stories. It is a holistic approach that involves understanding customer behavior patterns, market research, and devising strategies to address the pain points of the target customers.

This is where the expertise of a social media marketing agency comes in. These agencies, well versed in the latest technologies, understand the complexities of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. They recognize the importance of content creation, influencer marketing, and video production in curating a brand’s image. Their expertise also extends to other realms of digital marketing, such as search engine optimization, email marketing, and web design.

For instance, consider email marketing. While it might seem unrelated to social media, it isn't. By integrating social media marketing strategies with email campaigns, businesses can achieve higher conversion rates. Additionally, strategies such as influencer marketing can enhance the reach of campaigns multi-fold. Influencers, having built their reputation on social media platforms, can bring credibility and widen the reach of marketing campaigns.

Furthermore, social media management is another facet of SMM. A social media management company specializes in curating, posting, and managing content across different social media channels. This approach ensures consistent branding guidelines, frequent content updates, and active engagement with the audience.

It's evident that social media is no longer just a platform to post pictures or share life updates. For businesses, it’s a tool, a powerful one, that can significantly impact their growth trajectory. A social media marketing company, with its data-driven strategies, can offer solutions tailored to the specific needs of a business, be it a small business, an online store, or even a mobile app-centric enterprise.

In terms of web development and website design, businesses can integrate social share icons, direct messages functionalities, and other social media-related features. This integration not only enhances user experience but also promotes organic social media growth. By embedding social feeds or Instagram Twitter feeds on a landing page, businesses can boost their organic traffic, improving both their search engine optimization and social media presence.

From a branding perspective, the power of social media marketing is unparalleled. It offers an avenue for businesses to showcase their unique selling points, establish themselves as thought leaders, and even address online reviews, both positive and negative, enhancing their reputation management.

One mustn't underestimate the reach of platforms like LinkedIn. LinkedIn ads, for instance, can be pivotal for B2B social media strategies, targeting professionals and businesses alike. Similarly, the ability to direct potential customers from a LinkedIn company page to a business's main website, all while maintaining cohesive branding and messaging, can be a game-changer.

Businesses today need to be where their customers are, and currently, their customers are on social media. By neglecting social media marketing, businesses risk missing out on direct engagement, customer acquisition, and most importantly, sales.

In conclusion, the importance of social media marketing for businesses in today’s age is unquestionable. With the right strategies, tools, and expertise, the potential for success on these platforms is boundless. And as the digital landscape continues to evolve, one thing remains constant - social media will continue to be at the forefront of business growth and customer engagement.

The digital landscape has evolved rapidly over the last two decades. Today, we stand in an era where digital marketing has become the backbone of any business’s promotional strategy. Among the various digital channels, social media marketing stands out as one of the most potent and widely adopted methods. But the million-dollar question arises, “Is social media marketing suitable for every type of business?”

Every day, millions access social media platforms, making them the prime real estate for advertising. From Facebook ads to Instagram marketing, businesses have a plethora of options to choose from. However, the suitability of these platforms varies based on several factors.

The Role of Digital Marketing Agencies
A digital marketing agency plays a pivotal role in helping businesses decipher the maze of social media marketing. Agencies such as FiveStars, which also offers website design, graphic design, and search engine optimization, delve into determining the right social media marketing strategy for businesses. These agencies offer a full range of services, including social media management, to ensure the brand voice resonates with the intended audience.

Analyzing Business Needs
Every business has unique requirements. For small businesses, the goal might be brand exposure and gaining a competitive edge in a local market. At the same time, large enterprises might focus on consolidating their presence across multiple platforms. A thought leader in the industry might prioritize content creation and video production, while an ecommerce store might find product placement in influencer marketing more beneficial.

The Essence of Strategy
The backbone of any successful social media campaign is the marketing strategy. A well-defined marketing plan, inclusive of social media goals and marketing objectives, ensures the business's ultimate goal is met. Whether it's increasing brand awareness through Facebook advertising or driving conversions with Instagram ads, the strategy matters.

Digital marketing services extend beyond just posting content. It's about creating a content strategy that aligns with business goals and taps into online trends. Content marketing, including blog posts and video marketing, can be interwoven with social media content to drive audience engagement.

The Versatility of Platforms
Social media platforms offer various advertising platforms. While Facebook ad management might be the prime choice for B2C businesses, B2B social media strategies might focus more on LinkedIn. Instagram marketing, buoyed by Instagram ads, offers a visual-centric platform suitable for businesses with high-quality content, especially in sectors related to fashion, art, or travel.

But it's not just about choosing the right platform; it’s about timing. Posting at the right time can significantly impact organic reach. Social media management companies, with their expertise, help businesses tap into this aspect.

Budgeting and Ad Spend
One of the appealing facets of social media marketing for small business owners is the flexibility in ad spend. Whether you're a startup or an industry leader, there's a marketing solution available for every budget. Digital marketing experts from leading agencies emphasize that even with a modest ad spend, real results are achievable.

Measuring Success
The ultimate goal of any marketing campaign, including those on social media channels, is to see tangible results. Conversion rate, growth in social media followers, positive reviews, and increase in sales are some metrics that matter. Leveraging tools and expertise from a social media marketing agency ensures businesses measure these metrics effectively.

Evolution of Services
With the evolving landscape, the services offered by a social media agency have expanded. From basic social media management services to complex social media advertising services, these agencies have evolved. Services such as email marketing, search engine marketing, and ad campaigns across platforms integrate to form a comprehensive online marketing strategy.

In Conclusion
So, is social media marketing suitable for every business? The simple answer is yes. From small business owners to large corporations, every entity can benefit from it. Whether you're into web design, run a mobile app, or operate a local cafe, there's a space for you in the vast realm of social media marketing. The key is to adopt the right strategy, collaborate with the right digital marketing company, and stay updated with the evolving trends. This way, every business, regardless of its size or sector, can harness the power of social media to its fullest.

Our cases

Thanks to our experience and expertise we solve ambitious tasks and create outstanding cases

Five Stars Agency in numbers

13 years

experience and expertise in Internet advertising

150 +

regular customers on the promotion

25 +

competent specialists in various fields

85 %

of our clients are recommendations

Testimonials from our clients

We are proud of each of our clients and glad to help them conquer the Internet
I have always appreciated and respected the masters of their craft. Some bake pies, some plow the land, some print national coins, etc. And my esteemed friends at the Five Stars Agency forge, in their field, damascus steel. They forge Damas...
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Edward Balan Editor-in-Chief of
Thanks to our collaboration with the Five Stars company, we have obtained the following: a fantastic website, integration with our operating system, a well-structured advertising campaign, and a consistent increase in sales! Any requests, w...
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Vladimir Administrator
We have been working with Five Stars for over 10 years and have been very successful. They made us more than one website and we trust them with all questions related to advertising and smm promotion. They are very responsive, always underst...
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Liubov Shavga Manager of "Ids Tehnoizol S.R.L."

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We work on weekdays from 9:30 to 18:30. Applications sent on weekends will be processed on the first business day until 10:30.
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We work on weekdays from 9:30 to 18:30. Applications sent on weekends will be processed on the first business day until 10:30.
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