Performance marketing strategy

Unlock the limitless potential of sales, go beyond boilerplate solutions

How much does the strategy cost?

As part of a comprehensive strategy, the entire expertise of Five Stars Agency will ensure the achievement of business goals.

What do you end up with?

Price from 4 999 USD

Frequently Asked Questions

Performance marketing is a form of digital marketing where advertisers pay for specific actions such as clicks, leads, sales, or other conversions. Unlike traditional advertising methods that often focus on brand awareness without clear metrics, performance marketing allows for measuring and optimizing marketing efforts to achieve specific results. Here’s how performance marketing can help your business:

  • Increased ROI: Since you pay only for actual results (e.g., clicks or sales), you can use your marketing budget more efficiently and get the most return on your investment.
  • Targeted customer acquisition: Performance marketing enables precise targeting of ads to audiences who are most likely to make a purchase or take another desired action. This is achieved using tools such as demographic and behavioral targeting.
  • Transparency and measurability: Every aspect of your campaigns can be tracked and analyzed, making it easy to measure their effectiveness and make necessary adjustments for better results. You can see which channels, ads, and keywords work best.
  • Rapid scalability: Successful campaigns can be quickly scaled up to attract more customers and increase sales. This allows for flexible adaptation to market changes and rapid growth in sales volumes.

Performance marketing utilizes various digital channels, each of which can be optimized to achieve specific goals. Here are the main channels:

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Ads in search engines such as Google Ads that appear to users when they search for relevant products or services. This helps attract users who are already in the process of finding a solution.
  • Social Media: Advertising on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, which allows for precise targeting based on demographic and behavioral characteristics. These platforms provide powerful tools for creating personalized and engaging ad campaigns.
  • Display Advertising (GDN): Ads on Google partner sites that are shown to users based on their interests and behavior. This allows for reaching a broad audience and increasing brand awareness.
  • Remarketing: Ads that target users who have already interacted with your website or app, reminding them of your offer. This is an effective way to bring back users who did not complete a purchase.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Partnerships with affiliates who promote your product for a commission on sales. This helps expand reach and attract new customers with minimal costs.
  • Email Marketing: Personalized emails aimed at maintaining contact with customers and encouraging repeat purchases. This helps strengthen customer relationships and increase loyalty.

Developing an effective digital strategy includes several key stages:

  • Current Situation Analysis: Evaluating current marketing efforts, analyzing competitors, and researching the target audience. We study what works well, what can be improved, and identify key growth opportunities.
  • Goal Setting and KPI Definition: Establishing specific and measurable goals such as increasing traffic, leads, or sales, and defining key performance indicators (KPIs) for tracking them. This may include metrics such as conversion rate, cost per click (CPC), customer acquisition cost (CAC), and return on investment (ROI).
  • Strategy Development: Determining the channels, tools, and methods to be used to achieve the set goals. This includes choosing platforms, creating a content plan, and defining the budget. We develop a comprehensive plan covering all aspects of digital marketing, including SEO, content marketing, social media, and advertising.
  • Campaign Creation and Launch: Developing creatives, setting up targeting, launching, and optimizing ad campaigns. We create ads, banners, videos, and other materials that attract attention and drive user actions.
  • Monitoring and Optimization: Continuously tracking results, analyzing data, and making adjustments to improve campaign effectiveness. We use analytical tools to measure results and optimize strategies in real-time.
  • Reporting and Analysis: Regularly providing reports on campaign results, analyzing data, and offering recommendations for further actions. We provide detailed reports with data visualization and improvement suggestions so you can see progress and make informed decisions.

The time needed to see noticeable results from performance marketing campaigns depends on various factors such as the chosen channels, budget, and competition. Initial results can typically be seen within a few weeks of launching the campaign. However, achieving sustainable and significant results may take 3 to 6 months. It is important to remember that performance marketing is an ongoing process requiring continuous optimization and adaptation of strategies to achieve maximum effectiveness. Regular testing and data analysis help improve results and adapt campaigns to changing market conditions.

We use various tools and metrics to measure the success of performance marketing campaigns:

  • Google Analytics: To track website traffic, conversions, and user behavior. We integrate Google Analytics with other tools for a more comprehensive data analysis.
  • Ad Campaign Platforms: Built-in analytics tools such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads Manager provide data on clicks, impressions, cost per click (CPC), cost per thousand impressions (CPM), and other metrics. These tools allow for detailed analysis of each ad's and keyword's effectiveness.
  • Key Metrics: We track metrics such as the number of conversions, cost per conversion (CPA), return on ad spend (ROAS), conversion rate (CVR), average order value (AOV), and return on investment (ROI). These metrics help evaluate how well our campaigns perform and how they impact business goals.
  • Reports and Dashboards: We create regular reports and dashboards with data visualization that makes it easy to analyze results and make informed decisions. We provide detailed reports with graphs, charts, and analytical insights so you can see progress and identify areas for improvement.

The budget for performance marketing campaigns depends on your goals, competition in your niche, and chosen channels. We offer flexible budget approaches that can be adapted to your needs:

  • Initial Budget: For small businesses or startups, a minimum budget (e.g., $1000-3000 per month) can be used to test various strategies and gather data. This allows identifying the most effective channels and methods and gradually increasing the budget as results are achieved.
  • Medium Budget: For more mature companies, a budget of $5000 to $15000 per month allows reaching a wider audience and using more complex strategies. This includes using multiple channels, testing various creatives, and optimizing campaigns.
  • High Budget: For large companies or aggressive marketing campaigns, a budget of $20000 and more per month allows maximizing reach and conversions. We can conduct large-scale ad campaigns, including different ad formats and multiple tests. We will help you determine the optimal budget and allocate it among different channels and campaigns to achieve the maximum return on investment. We also provide recommendations for budget optimization and fund allocation based on data analysis and current results.

Setting up targeting is a key aspect of successful performance marketing campaigns. We use the following methods for precise targeting:

  • Demographic Data: We analyze age, gender, location, language, and other demographic parameters of your target audience. This allows creating audiences that closely match your target market.
  • Interests and Behavior: We study users' interests, online behavior, purchases, and content interactions. This allows targeting people who show interest in your products or services and are likely to make a purchase.
  • Data-based Audiences: We create custom audiences from your customers, newsletter subscribers, or website visitors. We also use lookalike audiences to attract new users similar to your current customers. This helps expand reach and attract a new audience likely to be interested in your offer.
  • Remarketing: We target users who have already interacted with your website or app to remind them of your offer and increase conversion chances. We use dynamic remarketing to show personalized ads based on users' past actions such as viewed products or items added to the cart.

We use modern tools and technologies to manage and optimize performance marketing campaigns:

  • Google Ads and Facebook Ads Manager: Main platforms for creating, managing, and optimizing ad campaigns in search engines and social networks. These tools provide powerful targeting, analytics, and automation capabilities.
  • Google Analytics: To track website traffic, conversions, and user behavior. We integrate Google Analytics with other tools for a comprehensive data analysis and understanding of user behavior at all stages of their journey.
  • Tag Manager: For managing and tracking various tags and pixels on your website without changing the code. This simplifies setting up and managing conversion tracking and other events.
  • CRM Systems: Integration with customer relationship management (CRM) systems to track and analyze customer and sales data. This helps link marketing campaign data with sales and customer data for deeper analysis and optimization.
  • A/B Testing: Tools for conducting A/B tests to determine the best creatives, landing pages, and campaign settings. We use platforms like Optimizely and VWO for testing different options and choosing the most effective solutions.
  • Automation and AI: We use automation and artificial intelligence technologies to optimize bids, targeting, and creatives in real-time. This includes using tools like Google Smart Bidding and Facebook Automated Rules to automatically optimize campaigns for better results.

We ensure full transparency and accountability in all our performance marketing campaigns:

  • Regular Reports: We provide regular reports on campaign results, including key metrics, data analysis, and recommendations for further actions. We use data visualization tools to present information clearly and understandably.
  • Access to Platforms: You have access to your ad platforms (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc.), allowing you to independently track campaign results. We provide detailed instructions and training for using these platforms so you can monitor progress and make informed decisions.
  • Analytics Integration: We integrate with your analytics tools (Google Analytics, CRM, etc.) for a comprehensive analysis of campaign results. This allows you to see how marketing campaigns impact business goals and measure return on investment.
  • Regular Meetings: We conduct regular meetings to discuss results, analyze data, and plan further actions. We maintain constant communication to ensure you are always aware of progress and can make timely decisions.
  • Agreements and Guarantees: We conclude detailed agreements that specify all aspects of our work, including goals, deadlines, and payment terms. We also provide performance guarantees and KPIs that we strive to achieve in our work.

We create effective creatives for performance marketing campaigns using the following approach:

  • Audience Analysis: We study your target audience and determine which messages and visuals resonate with them. We use demographic and behavioral data to create personalized creatives that attract attention and drive user actions.
  • Clear and Attractive Design: We develop clear and attractive designs that grab attention and convey key messages. Our designers create professional graphics, photos, and videos that reflect your brand and product benefits.
  • Persuasive Copy: Our copywriters create persuasive ad texts that highlight key advantages and benefits of your product. We use a call to action (CTA) to encourage users to take the next step, whether it's visiting your website, signing up, or making a purchase.
  • A/B Testing: We conduct A/B tests to determine the best creative options. We test different headlines, images, texts, and CTAs to find the most effective combinations. This allows us to optimize creatives and improve campaign results.
  • Constant Updating: We constantly update and refresh creatives to maintain user interest and avoid ad fatigue. We follow trends and adapt our creatives to stay relevant and effective.

Introduce to you a powerful performance marketing strategy from Five Stars Agency

Sales funnel

We study the situation in each specific market sector, analyze competitors, the target audience and build a Customer Journey Map for each segment. We form an individual marketing mix of promotion channels that will work in synergy with each other to achieve the set goal.
Finding sources of target audience
Analyzing the state of affairs in each specific industry
Industry research

How it works

We use the data of marketing research and study of the target audience to form a semantic core. We promote the site to the top of search engine results. As a result, we help increase the flow of potential customers, improve brand awareness and significantly expand the reach.

Competitor analysis

How it works

We use the data of marketing research and study of the target audience to form a semantic core. We promote the site to the top of search engine results. As a result, we help increase the flow of potential customers, improve brand awareness and significantly expand the reach.

Attracting a target audience
Create a powerful flow of interested users
Promotion in Google

How it works

We use the data of marketing research and study of the target audience to form a semantic core. We promote the site to the top of search engine results. As a result, we help increase the flow of potential customers, improve brand awareness and significantly expand the reach.

Contextual advertising

How it works

We use the data of marketing research and study of the target audience to form a semantic core. We promote the site to the top of search engine results. As a result, we help increase the flow of potential customers, improve brand awareness and significantly expand the reach.

Promotion in social networks

How it works

We use the data of marketing research and study of the target audience to form a semantic core. We promote the site to the top of search engine results. As a result, we help increase the flow of potential customers, improve brand awareness and significantly expand the reach.

Video advertising

How it works

We use the data of marketing research and study of the target audience to form a semantic core. We promote the site to the top of search engine results. As a result, we help increase the flow of potential customers, improve brand awareness and significantly expand the reach.

Loyalty and conversion growth
Ensure the highest possible advertising effectiveness
Web analytics

How it works

We use the data of marketing research and study of the target audience to form a semantic core. We promote the site to the top of search engine results. As a result, we help increase the flow of potential customers, improve brand awareness and significantly expand the reach.

Content marketing

How it works

We use the data of marketing research and study of the target audience to form a semantic core. We promote the site to the top of search engine results. As a result, we help increase the flow of potential customers, improve brand awareness and significantly expand the reach.

Refinement of usability

How it works

We use the data of marketing research and study of the target audience to form a semantic core. We promote the site to the top of search engine results. As a result, we help increase the flow of potential customers, improve brand awareness and significantly expand the reach.

Reputation management

How it works

We use the data of marketing research and study of the target audience to form a semantic core. We promote the site to the top of search engine results. As a result, we help increase the flow of potential customers, improve brand awareness and significantly expand the reach.

Visitor retention
We stimulate the purchase of goods and services by all available means

How it works

We use the data of marketing research and study of the target audience to form a semantic core. We promote the site to the top of search engine results. As a result, we help increase the flow of potential customers, improve brand awareness and significantly expand the reach.

Bonus programs

How it works

We use the data of marketing research and study of the target audience to form a semantic core. We promote the site to the top of search engine results. As a result, we help increase the flow of potential customers, improve brand awareness and significantly expand the reach.

Returning visitors
We stimulate the purchase of goods and services by all available means

How it works

We use the data of marketing research and study of the target audience to form a semantic core. We promote the site to the top of search engine results. As a result, we help increase the flow of potential customers, improve brand awareness and significantly expand the reach.

Email marketing

How it works

We use the data of marketing research and study of the target audience to form a semantic core. We promote the site to the top of search engine results. As a result, we help increase the flow of potential customers, improve brand awareness and significantly expand the reach.


How it works

We use the data of marketing research and study of the target audience to form a semantic core. We promote the site to the top of search engine results. As a result, we help increase the flow of potential customers, improve brand awareness and significantly expand the reach.

in the market for creating and promoting business on the Internet
the professionals who help us achieve outstanding results
established and advanced businesses around the world on the Internet

Take business to the next level

We use advanced technology and the synergy of all available digital channels to maximize results.

We work out the campaign in detail, to get a return on every dollar invested.

We implement an effective system of channel management - we promptly connect/disconnect each of them, taking into account its capabilities and the time it takes to achieve results. We provide constant conversion of traffic into orders, orders into sales, new users into long-term partners.

Each task is handled by a strategist, managing an entire team of professionals with fundamental expertise and practical experience in the required industry. The strategist manages the project and coordinates the actions of each of the specialists. The team includes: web analyst, SEO specialist, media channels specialist, social media specialist, developer, editor, copywriter, reputation management specialist, paid channels specialist, designer, quality control specialist.


Our goal is to become a company for everyone that understands business, goals and objectives, offering not just a set of tools, but an effective multi-channel solution so that you attract customers faster.

Founder of Five Stars Agency

Testimonials from our clients

We are proud of each of our clients and glad to help them conquer the Internet
Thanks to our collaboration with the Five Stars company, we have obtained the following: a fantastic website, integration with our operating system, a well-structured advertising campaign, and a consistent increase in sales! Any requests, w...
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Vladimir Administrator
Many thanks to the whole Five Stars team for their hard work and the beautiful results obtained in the end. We believe that the proposed goal of visibility and communication with online presence has been achieved. We appreciate the quality ...
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Dana Administrator Fruct Nectar
We have been working together for several years now and you are always responsive and quick to react to requests. Punctual and creative. You have a competitive team and we want you to keep up the momentum.
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Postolachi Anatolie Production and Quality Manager

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