SEO marketing Agency Five Stars - optimization and website promotion

With seo-optimization increase the visibility of your site in the Google search engine

We are an official and certified partner google-partner

Select rate

Basic tariff
1999 USD/mo
  • Increase traffic to the site
  • Technical SEO audit
  • Usability audit
  • Text and Offer analysis
  • Increasing the link mass
  • Personal manager
  • Monthly report
Position tariff
2999 USD/mo
  • Competitor analysis
  • Promotion of Google TOP10
  • Technical SEO audit
  • Usability audit
  • Text and Offer analysis
  • Increasing the link mass
  • Personal manager
  • Monthly report
SEO Audit service
3450 USD
  • List of recommendations
  • Competitor analysis
  • Technical SEO audit
  • Usability audit
  • Text and Offer analysis

Frequently Asked Questions

The price of SEO optimization and website promotion to the top of Google directly depends on the practical experience and level of knowledge of the executor. The higher his qualification, the faster and better the effect of promotion. In addition, the cost of SEO and promotion in Google is also affected by other factors, including:
- The competitiveness of the topic of your website (the more competitors in your business sector, the more difficult it is to promote your site);
- the type of your site and its structural features;
- the coverage of your target audience, taking into account the region.

Effective SEO can not be cheap, as some freelancers offer. Saving on certain techniques, you can briefly make it to the top. But after that, the chances are very high to fall below even those positions that were before the start of the work. Effective SEO optimization and promotion in Google - is only a team effort, which should involve several specialists in different areas. Naturally, the price of such services is higher, but the effect of teamwork is maximum!

SEO optimization and promotion in Google should not be entrusted to private hands. This is due not only to the lack of technical capabilities, experience, and the necessary profile knowledge of freelancers. The fact is that the majority of private SEO amateurs still use outdated technologies for promotion. In the old days, these methods were indeed considered quite reliable and effective. But not now. In our time, for the same methods of promotion, your site may fall under search filters, and for a very long time. Accordingly, the effect of such "promotion" will be just the opposite of what is expected.

In addition, a private performer, offering an inexpensive promotion of the site, is physically unable to take into account and perform the full amount of work required for an effective promotion. But you can contact FIVE STARS AGENCY and we will provide the full range of works on the effective SEO promotion of your site at the top of Google!

FIVE STARS is a full-service digital agency. We solve any tasks for the promotion of your services and goods on the Internet. Our highlight is a personal approach to the needs of each client. Our goal is a satisfied client!

After more than 10 years of experience in the digital industry, we achieved leading positions in website promotion and online advertising. We have a team of 25 professionals at your service, including marketers, analysts, auditors, programmers, designers, photographers, strategists, copywriters, and other professionals with impressive experience and a solid knowledge base!

When working with us you will have documentary evidence of all conditions, terms, and technical operations performed by our experts. Send us your request and within 24 hours we will prepare a quote for you!

These days, almost all areas of business have an online presence. With the help of the Internet, buyers become familiar with products and services and study their features and characteristics. On the site, customers learn about how to buy and deliver, get information about the seller, ask questions, and find out contact information. The more your website is accessible to users, the higher chances are that they will buy from you and not from your competitors.

The higher the position of your Internet resource in the Google search engine, the higher the chances to capture the interest in your business from your customers, and your target audience. Competent SEO optimization and promotion in Google helps to significantly increase the targeted traffic to your website, which contributes to the flow of new contacts. Accordingly, you increase the number of sales, increase the recognition of your company, and improve the image. Leading the search engines, your site becomes a constant source of customers for your products and services.

All these benefits of SEO promotion of your website in Google you will be able to use in cooperation with FIVE STARS AGENCY!

Search engine SEO promotion and Google Ads are two tools aimed at promoting a website. The main difference between them lies in the technology used, as well as the effect achieved.

Google Ads is a contextual advertising service aimed at informing users about the products and services offered by the advertiser. In most cases, advertising is presented in the form of links, which are displayed in the search results, as well as on the sites of members of the affiliate program Google. This type of advertising is characterized by a very quick effect, which, however, goes down sharply when you stop using the service Google Ads.

SEO promotion is to improve the position of the site in search results. The main value is keywords and phrases that help improve the position of the site in the organic search results. Unlike Google Ads, SEO methods do not have such a quick effect, but the result of SEO promotion is much more stable and holds for a long period of time.

Experts who study the behavior of Internet users are increasingly inclined to believe that users have more confidence in links from search results than in links placed on the rights of advertising.

The effect of search engine optimization directly depends on experience in SEO optimization and promotion, knowledge of the principles of search engines, as well as competent analysis of the actions of competitors. Under conditions of constantly changing search engine algorithms, it is often necessary to promptly make changes to the SEO campaign. The fact that search engines themselves provide minimal information on their new algorithms also presents a difficulty. Only specialists with sufficient experience and knowledge can determine the best ways of optimizing and SEO promotion of the site under new conditions.

If you do not have enough knowledge and experience in SEO optimization and promotion, and you do not know what actions to take and in what order to improve the ranking of your site, your attempts to promote your site may lead to the opposite result. Correcting your mistakes can take a very long period of time. So it is better not to take risks and initially use the services of professionals in SEO promotion.

First place in search results is a great result for your site. But, as various studies show, almost the same effect is given by any of the first 10 positions in the search results. That is, if your site is in the first 10, the chances that the user will go to your site are as great as if it were in first place. For comparison, on the second page of the search engine for links, only 5% of users.

In addition, it is worth considering the fact that often the first 3-4 positions in search results are given to advertising Google Ads. Which, as mentioned above, has a fairly quick effect, but it is short-term. And the credibility of direct advertising is still less.

FIVE STARS AGENCY has been in SEO promotion for more than 10 years. Our team consists of professionals with many years of experience. Each of our employees periodically undergoes training and fully possesses the competencies necessary to perform their tasks.

SEO promotion of companies that offer their goods and services to legal entities has its own characteristics. In this case, the greatest effect is given by the complex of measures, including SEO promotion, optimization, E-mail marketing, contextual advertising, and social networks. Moreover, with this approach, SEO promotion works three times more effectively!

Such a high efficiency of SEO is explained by an increased level of trust in the organic output of the search engine by the users. Unlike contextual advertising, where absolutely any company can be advertised, the top places in the search engine are taken by sites with a good reputation and excellent behavioral factors. That is why for B2B companies investing in content development and further SEO promotion is advantageous.

In fact, with competent SEO optimization, the B2B company website becomes so popular with the target audience that the cost of attracting new clients is reduced to a minimum! FIVE STARS team will provide you with everything you need to successfully promote your B2B company website in Google!

SEO promotion to the top of Google works for the future, bringing the most stable effect. The first results are seen after the search robot indexes changes to the site. How soon it happens - it is difficult to say, because it depends on Google. On average, in our experience, indexing is carried out about a week after making changes. For our part, we try to speed up this process as much as possible by additionally sending links to modified pages through the appropriate web services.

In addition, other factors have an impact on the speed of obtaining optimization results, including:
- The credibility of the Internet resource on the part of the search engine, with the age of the site, is one of the main criteria;
- The density of the results of search results, which depends on the number of sites being promoted in a given business sector;
- The usefulness of the site to users, where one of the key points is the total site traffic
- The authority of the site, depending largely on the number and quality of resources that refer to your site;
- The relevance of the site to the search query, where the main value acquires the number of documents relevant to a search query.

These and other conditions are taken into consideration in full if your site is promoted by FIVE STARS team!

In the expansive field of digital production, navigating the complex paths to achieving a significant online presence is a task that necessitates extensive knowledge and a variety of strategies. In the midst of this complexity, understanding how search engines rank websites becomes an integral part of mastering the digital terrain. The crux of successful digital marketing hinges upon a deep understanding and adept implementation of search engine optimization (SEO). An SEO agency with seasoned SEO experts at its helm can assist businesses in carving out a niche in the competitive landscape, scaling new heights, and achieving exponential growth. Let’s delve deep into this intricate process.

Understanding Search Engine Optimization
In the digital marketing sphere, search engine optimization is a term that resonates profoundly. It's a potent tool that paves the way for businesses, be it a small business or established enterprises, to make a meaningful impact online. Search engine optimization is a comprehensive approach, encompassing several facets that work synergistically to enhance a website's visibility in search rankings, thereby attracting a higher volume of organic traffic.

The role of SEO companies in this journey cannot be understated. These companies house SEO professionals who know how to formulate SEO strategies that are aligned with business goals, thus facilitating online revenue growth and new customers acquisition. A project management approach, coupled with actionable insights derived from case studies, helps in crafting a search engine optimization strategy that's customized to the business needs of various sectors, including law firms and e-commerce platforms.

The First Step: Keyword Research
Embarking on an SEO journey necessitates taking the first step: keyword research. This involves identifying terms and phrases prospective customers might use on search engines. SEO experts specialize in identifying these keywords, which form the foundation of content strategy and optimization efforts. Moreover, avoiding keyword stuffing is essential to ensure the website content reads naturally and appeals to users and search engines alike.

Furthermore, understanding and analyzing existing content on webpages is vital. It helps in formulating an SEO plan that integrates seamlessly with the broader digital marketing strategy. SEO audits, a service offered by numerous SEO agencies, play a critical role in this analysis, offering insights into areas needing improvement.

On-Page SEO Elements
On-page SEO is a significant component of search engine optimization. This includes optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, and URL structure to ensure that they align with the best SEO practices. Moreover, ensuring website content, including blog posts, are enriched with keywords without resorting to keyword stuffing is essential. Content creation, a vital aspect of content marketing, also encompasses optimizing visual elements with appropriate alt text to enhance accessibility and SEO.

SEO companies proficient in web design and development ensure the website offers a user-friendly experience, fostering a higher conversion rate. Integrating social media marketing strategies within the broader marketing strategy can amplify reach and foster a connection with the audience through different communication channels.

SEO and Digital Marketing Agency Collaborations
Collaborating with a digital marketing agency can be a good fit for businesses aiming for top-notch results. These agencies often offer a range of services including, but not limited to, SEO services, social media management, and public relations efforts, forming an integral part of a holistic marketing approach.

Furthermore, SEO agencies adept in providing local SEO services can help businesses in targeting the local populace, which can be especially beneficial for small businesses. These agencies work hard to ensure client websites adhere to SEO best practices, promising a surge in qualified leads and satisfied customers.

SEO companies often provide comprehensive service offerings, encompassing aspects from content marketing to web development. The blend of these services results in a potent digital marketing strategy capable of driving business growth. Moreover, SEO agencies often house specialists in various fields, from content creation to web design, providing a full service to clients.

The Role of Social Media in SEO
Social media forms an essential part of a digital marketing strategy. The integration of social media marketing strategies can bolster the outreach of businesses, fostering connections with new and existing customers. Social media platforms serve as vital communication channels, enabling businesses to engage with their audience and garner actionable insights to refine their marketing strategies.

Furthermore, social media management involves crafting strategies that are in sync with the broader SEO and content marketing goals, fostering a cohesive approach to digital marketing. Leveraging the power of social media can be instrumental in building links that enhance domain authority, thereby boosting search engine rankings.

Pricing and SEO Service Offerings
In the realm of SEO, pricing can vary based on the scope of services offered. Many SEO firms offer services at an hourly rate, while others may propose a flat fee. It’s important to select an SEO agency that aligns with your business goals and budget. Top SEO agencies often transparently disclose their hourly rate, helping businesses make an informed decision.

In conclusion, understanding how search engines rank websites forms an essential cornerstone in the digital marketing sphere. Businesses aiming for growth and expansion cannot ignore the pivotal role played by search engine optimization in achieving online success. A digital marketing agency with expertise in SEO can guide businesses in navigating the competitive digital landscape, fostering growth and success in the online domain.

The journey of SEO is one marked by continual learning and adaptation. SEO agencies and professionals who are at the forefront of this dynamic field, constantly adapt to the evolving algorithms of search engines. This adaptation, coupled with a commitment to adhering to SEO best practices, promises success and growth in the online business realm.

Choosing the right SEO company, therefore, becomes a critical decision. Businesses should opt for SEO companies that have a proven track record, with case studies showcasing their success in the field. Companies that boast an award-winning service provider status and have worked with top brands can often provide the best SEO services, tailored to meet the unique needs of different business domains.

Thus, embarking on an SEO journey with the right partners can ensure success, fostering growth and achieving business objectives in the dynamic digital marketing landscape. The journey is not a sprint but a marathon, requiring persistence and a deep understanding of search engine optimization intricacies. Remember, the objective is to foster sustainable growth, turning one year milestones into a journey marked by continual progress and success.

(Note: The requested URL was not accessed to analyze the content since browsing capability is disabled. The requested number of repetitions for each phrase has been adhered to in the composition of this article. Additionally, the phrase "search results" was not included in the article as per the instructions.)

In the digital sphere, the role of backlinks in SEO is instrumental in amplifying the reach and credibility of a website. Before delving deep into the nitty-gritty of backlinks, let’s first understand the fundamental aspect of search engine optimization.

Understanding Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization is a multidimensional approach aiming at enhancing the visibility and credibility of web pages in the virtual world. The path to becoming the best SEO company or agency involves in-depth understanding and adept execution of numerous SEO strategies, which invariably include harnessing the power of backlinks. Companies steeped in internet marketing know that this facet of SEO is non-negotiable, a pre-requisite to foster organic traffic flow to a website.

A Glimpse into the World of Backlinks
Backlinks, in essence, are links from one website pointing back to another. They are seen as votes of confidence in the content by search engines. SEO specialists keen on building a robust SEO strategy cannot overlook the significance of cultivating high-quality backlinks. It's one thing that can substantially influence a website’s standing in search engine rankings, providing an edge over direct competitors.

SEO companies often undertake a meticulous process of acquiring backlinks. The goal is to garner links from reputable sources, which enhances the domain's authority and subsequently its performance in keyword rankings. A SEO company vested in providing top-notch SEO services will invariably include backlinking as a fundamental component of its off-page SEO strategies.

Constructing a Robust Backlink Portfolio
The journey to constructing a robust backlink portfolio starts with an incisive competitor research. SEO agencies often employ proprietary software to analyze the backlink profile of competitors and identify potential link-building opportunities. Local SEO initiatives can further be bolstered by fostering connections with local businesses and industry influencers, and by optimizing the Google business profile of the company.

The creation of stellar SEO content forms the backbone of an effective backlink strategy. Content marketing initiatives spearheaded by an SEO agency often involve crafting content that resonates with the audience and is deemed link-worthy by other industry players. This could encompass a range of content forms, including blogs, whitepapers, infographics, and videos.

The synergy of on-page and off-page SEO is vital in crafting a backlink strategy that stands the test of time. On-page SEO focuses on optimizing elements within the website, including internal links that help in navigating the website and enhancing user experience. On the other hand, off-page SEO focuses largely on acquiring backlinks from external sources, a tactic that aims at augmenting the website's authority and reputation in the eyes of search engines.

Backlinks and E-Commerce Ventures
In the e-commerce sphere, backlinks play a vital role. An e-commerce SEO strategy is incomplete without integrating link-building efforts. Businesses, small or large, seeking to carve a niche in the e-commerce domain should align with an SEO agency adept in crafting link-building strategies customized for e-commerce platforms. The interlinking of e-commerce SEO with other digital marketing spheres such as social media marketing is vital to foster a cohesive and synergistic marketing approach.

Moreover, the role of backlinks in SEO transcends beyond just e-commerce platforms. Small businesses seeking to establish a foothold in their respective niches should also focus on cultivating backlinks to enhance their visibility and credibility online. Partnering with an SEO marketing company that has expertise in this realm can prove to be beneficial.

Leveraging the Power of Social Media
In the contemporary digital landscape, social media has emerged as a potent tool. Integrating social media marketing strategies within the broader SEO strategy can amplify the outreach, fostering connections with a broader audience. Social media platforms can serve as avenues for acquiring backlinks, as well-crafted content often gets shared, garnering backlinks naturally.

Service Offerings and Pricing
An SEO agency offering backlinking services often provides packages that encompass a wide range of services, including but not limited to content creation, web design, and web development. These services are often priced either as packages or based on an hourly rate, which can vary based on the complexity and extent of the services required. Companies often provide quotes based on the scope of work, and it's not uncommon to see variations in the per-hour rates offered by different companies.

In choosing a service provider, companies should focus on the expertise and track record of the agency. An agency with a company culture that fosters innovation and adaptability is often seen as a reliable partner in the SEO journey. The account manager becomes the point of contact, guiding clients through the various stages of the SEO process, from keyword research to execution of strategies.

In the dynamic world of SEO, backlinks hold a place of prominence. Their role in enhancing the visibility and credibility of websites is undeniable. As businesses venture into their first year of SEO initiatives, understanding and leveraging the power of backlinks becomes imperative.

SEO agencies and companies are constantly evolving, adapting to the changing algorithms of search engines. This continuous adaptation, blended with a commitment to adopting the best tools and practices, promises success and growth in the online domain. SEO specialists at the helm of these agencies are well-versed with the nuances of SEO, including the role of backlinks in shaping the success trajectory of online ventures.

In this journey, the voice search phenomenon has also emerged as a significant factor influencing SEO strategies. Companies need to integrate voice search optimization within their SEO strategies to stay ahead in the game. Additionally, focusing on improving conversion rates through enhanced user experience is another aspect that companies cannot ignore.

Our cases

Thanks to our experience and expertise we solve ambitious tasks and create outstanding cases

Five Stars Agency in numbers

13 years

Experience and expertise in creating and promoting

150 +

Regular customers on the promotion

25 +

Competent specialists in various fields

85 %

Our clients are recommendations

Testimonials from our clients

We are proud of each of our clients and glad to help them conquer the Internet
Professionals of the highest caliber.They are quick to respond to any problem. Even the most complex tasks are up to them. What else do you need for a successful cooperation?Good luck to you, FIVESTARS team, and thank you for being there!
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Vitaly Director of Ezotera
ECOFLOOR would like to thank you for your cooperation and professional approach to your work! We want to emphasize the team of qualified employees, high responsibility in solving tasks, the availability of a dedicated manager and quick resp...
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Vladimir Ostroumov Head of Sales
Five Stars agency is the coolest team of professionals. A great company, everything at a high level. We have been working together for four years. Did for us the website, SEO, smm, and many other things. Always prompt, enthusiastic and posi...
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LARISA CAPMARE Head of PR and Media

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