Contextual advertising - Google Ads Agency Five Stars

Contextual advertising - the fastest and most effective way to attract customers through the Internet

We are an official and certified partner


Select rate

Basic tariff
999 USD/mo.
  • Advertising on Google
  • Competitor analysis
  • Optimizing CPL, CPS
  • Audit of landing pages
  • Conversion tracking
  • Personal account manager
  • Monthly report
  • Profitability guarantee within 3 months
Medium tariff
1820 USD/mo
  • Advertising on Google search
  • Advertising in KMS
  • Remarketing
  • Advertising Banner Design
  • Competitor analysis
  • Optimizing CPL, CPS
  • Audit landing pages
  • Conversion tracking
  • Personal account manager
  • Monthly report
  • Profitability guarantee within 3 months
Premium tariff
2999 USD/mo
  • Advertising on Google search
  • Advertising in KMS
  • Remarketing
  • Advertising Banner Design
  • YouTube video advertising
  • Video production
  • Competitor analysis
  • Optimizing CPL, CPS
  • Audit of landing pages
  • Conversion tracking
  • Personal account manager
  • Monthly report
  • Profitability guarantee within 3 months

Frequently Asked Questions

The price includes a wide range of services: Analysis of competitors, Selecting keywords, Creating groups, Writing ads, A / B tests, An audit of landing pages, setting up Google Analytics, Analysis of social media, creation of Graphic Design, feed creation for Google Shopping, Marketing strategy,  Analysis of the behavioral factor, setting up and optimizing the advertising company, improve KPI, growth ROMI, and many others. Our specialists in digital marketing are trained by experience, we are engaged in setting up, maintaining, and optimizing contextual advertising Google Ads for over 10 years and are market leaders in this area.

In theory, you can find a specialist who will set up and run ads on Google AdWords, but unfortunately, private specialists limit themselves to this. It is not enough that advertising is just showing up on the Internet, it must be effective and profitable. In order for Google AdWords will bring you profit, you need an experienced specialist in digital marketing who will take responsibility for the result, unfortunately, there are not so many specialists on the market and they have probably been working in agencies for a long time.

Our Digital Marketing Agency has been on the market for over 13 years, we have gone through a lot and survived by becoming professionals in digital marketing. We have a very wide range of services that can cover any needs of our clients - like web design, social media marketing, digital marketing, market case studies, marketing strategies, email marketing, content marketing, YouTube ads, and others. We have an individual approach to each client, we perfectly understand that if the cooperation of our clients with us will not be mutually beneficial, it will stop sooner or later. For 13 years we have implemented more than 600 successful projects. Our company employs 25 specialists. Our Digital Marketing Agency continues to grow because our customers value us and see us not just as a company, but as a partner in the field of business promotion on the Internet.

Nowadays it's not news to anyone that search engines are a very powerful and effective tool for attracting new customers. If your site is in the first position of Google it is a serious, determining factor of competitiveness. All people have long been accustomed to searching for goods and services on the Internet and the psychology of people works like this, the first one is Google is the best because all people trust the choice of Google.

These are absolutely two different methods of promoting sites in search engines in terms of technical work to achieve the result, namely to get your website on the first page of Google.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) promotion is a process of improving the website from a technical, web design, and informational point of view. Google has an algorithm that analyzes your website and gives it a specific position in the search results. In order for your site to be on the first page of the organic search you need to meet all the latest standards of site building. You can promote a limited number of search queries. The process of improving the website and bringing it to the first positions can take up to 6 months
Google Ads is an advertising cabinet where you can quickly get your website on the first page for a certain advertising budget, but you have to pay directly to Google for each click. The cost per click can vary from $0.10 to several tens of dollars (depending on the type of business and region of promotion whether it is New York, San Francisco, or San Diego). You can promote an unlimited number of search queries. The process of setting up and launching an advertising company takes up to 5 days

Our Digital Marketing Agency has extensive experience in digital marketing, social media management, launching and optimizing advertising campaigns, at the initial stage of cooperation we can give you a forecast on the effectiveness of the advertising company and how much it will cost you per 1 lead. We guarantee the profitability of your investment in advertising. Our Digital Marketing Agency is interested in it because otherwise you will stop cooperating with us and we will incur financial losses

Yes, you can promote yourself on Google, but unfortunately, the effectiveness of your advertising will be very low. It takes years of experience in digital marketing to quickly and inexpensively attract customers through the Internet. 20% of our clients are people who were engaged in advertising themselves and decided to outsource this task and as a result, we increase the number of calls and requests by 2-3 times staying within the advertising budget of our client

It all depends on the demand for your products or services, and the number of leads is also affected by the competition. Thanks to the experience of our experts we have unique strategies that will bring your company to the next level, we help medium and small businesses to get ahead of their competitors in Google and attract more leads. On average, we provide our clients from 1 to 80 requests every day.

Yes, it is possible, but in minimal quantities, the algorithms of Google Advertising severely combat these methods

Of course, this is the most prestigious place in the search engine. It increases the credibility of your company and has a positive impact on the image of your company. But the first place does not guarantee that you get all applications. Statistically 75% of people go to the first 3 links, 50% of people go to the first 5 links and only 35% of people get to 10 links

We are an official Google Partner-certified agency. Our agency meets all the strict requirements of Google. All our specialists pass annual exams for high knowledge of Google tools. With more than 10 years of experience, we are the leaders in this field on the market.

Remarketing is a type of advertising from Google ad that shows ads to people who have already visited your site or landing page before (from organic, ads, direct or social media). That is, the search engine generates a list of people to whom it will be possible to configure the display of ads. A display of these ads can be done with graphic ads (banners), Google Shopping, text ads on Google partner sites, as well as showing video clips on YouTube or Google partner sites, email marketing, and others. The benefits of remarketing: - The ability to return the user if he did not buy on his first visit to the site; - Brand awareness of the company or firm; - A very low cost per click and impression. Most likely after visiting our website, such ads will "chase" you for some time and thus remind you of our services, and you will be able to understand how it works.

Google is suitable for almost all types of customers both B2C and B2B

It all depends on the number of search queries per month and the cost, we can make a free forecast for you of the optimal advertising budget. But if you have high goals, then you need an appropriate budget. The minimum budget per month is $ 1000, but even with such a budget, you can provide a stable stream of requests for your business.

It will take us no more than 5 working days to analyze your business and start advertising. And you will immediately start receiving requests and calls from your customers who will find you on the first page of Google

Most likely your advertising campaign is not properly optimized lack of experience and competence of the person who ran the ads. Also, the result of promotion affects the attractiveness of the landing page for a potential client, you should pay special attention to this issue. Because traffic to the site mobile app, or landing page is not difficult, but to get people to contact you - this task is more difficult. We have extensive experience in conducting audits of websites and improving their selling qualities

In the age of the digital transformation, companies have sought to move their advertising efforts to online platforms, taking a deep dive into the world of online advertising. Google, being a giant in digital advertising, has an enormous responsibility to ensure that its ads are of high quality and relevant to users. This is essential not just for maintaining user trust but also for businesses to realize their business goals.

Google Ads, as an ads agency, offers a range of tools and metrics to help advertisers craft high-quality advertisements. Quality and relevance are crucial in ensuring the advertisements resonate with the target audience, providing a competitive edge in the saturated market.

Now, you might ask, "What makes an ad of 'high quality'?" When a business or an advertising agency crafts an ad for Google, it's not simply about flashy graphics or compelling ad copy. The depth of keyword research, understanding audience segments, crafting a content strategy, and ensuring the landing page design aligns with the message of the ad all play pivotal roles. Here, the hands-on involvement of the ads agency, particularly a google ads agency, is critical.

But why is a google ads agency so significant? Digital marketing services provided by google ads agencies are tailored to the intricate system of Google. These agencies have a deep understanding of the Google ecosystem, making them the ideal point of contact for businesses aiming for new levels of brand recognition through Google ads campaigns.

In the realm of PPC (Pay-Per-Click) services, relevance and quality are central. A keyword that doesn't genuinely reflect the ad's content can result in poor conversion rates. But a google ads agency, having deep insights into campaign management, can ensure that PPC campaigns are results-driven. Their PPC management tools can optimize ad groups to ensure that ads shown are relevant to the user's search query.

Ads that are not relevant can be disruptive advertising, causing annoyance among users. Therefore, Google evaluates every ad's relevance using a range of metrics. The relevance of an ad to the searched query, the relevance of the ad creative, and the relevance of the landing page to the ad copy are all considered. Video ads, display ads on the google display network, shopping ads, and even local service ads, all undergo a similar rigorous evaluation.

Google's commitment to ensuring high-quality ads goes the extra mile. They have established partnerships, ensuring that google ads agencies meet certain standards. Being a google premier partner, premier google partner, or a certified google partner implies an award-winning level of expertise and a proven record in optimizing google ad campaigns.

It's important to understand the significance of working with a full-service digital agency that can offer not just PPC services but also digital marketing services like social media marketing, influencer marketing, and marketing SEO. A full-service agency can ensure that a business's online advertising efforts on platforms like Google, Amazon ads, or Microsoft ads are data-driven, cost-effective, and align with specific marketing goals.

Marketing goals vary. While one business might focus on lead generation, another might prioritize brand recognition. In such scenarios, google ads agencies, like the award-winning Five Stars Agency, are poised to be the ideal solution. Their digital strategy ensures businesses gain a competitive edge, whether it's through google search ads, google shopping ads, or other offerings in the realm of paid search.

The dedicated team members of google ads agencies can provide a tailor-made solution. From ppc advertising, ad copy refinement, to conversion rate optimization, their comprehensive approach ensures that businesses can realize their full potential. This digital experience ensures that businesses, be it new product launches by ecommerce companies or established brands, can achieve their business growth objectives.

In conclusion, while the long list of metrics, strategies, and tools in the realm of Google advertising might seem daunting, with the right guidance from a google ads agency, it becomes a walk in the park. A full-service approach, combined with the expertise of such agencies, can propel businesses towards achieving not just one thing but many, establishing their presence in the digital realm, driving conversions, and ensuring sustainable growth. It's all about ensuring that the right ads meet the right users at the right time.

Navigating the digital advertising landscape can often feel like a daunting task, especially with platforms like Google Ads that require a deep understanding of their inner workings. As a burgeoning marketer or a business owner, you may have heard of the transformative potential of Google Ads, especially when combined with other strategies such as social media management and content marketing. So, how does bidding work in Google Ads, and how can it take your brand to the next level?

At its core, Google Ads operates on an auction system, allowing advertisers to set bids on specific keywords relevant to their target audience. This is where keyword research becomes crucial. Advertisers specify the maximum amount they're willing to pay for a click on their ad, a method known as CPC (Cost-Per-Click) bidding. This means that every time a potential customer searches for a keyword you've bid on, Google conducts an instantaneous auction to determine which ad should appear and in which order.

Your bid isn't the only deciding factor; Google takes into account your ad's quality and relevance. It's a delicate dance between what you're willing to pay and how relevant Google perceives your ad to be for the user. So, while you might have the highest bid, if your content isn't considered valuable to the user, you might not clinch that coveted top spot.

Now, many businesses do not venture into the Google Ads arena alone. They often collaborate with a marketing agency, and sometimes even specialized Google Ads agencies. The benefits of working with a dedicated Google Ads agency are manifold. Not only do they bring expertise to the table, but many of these agencies are certified Google Partners. Being a partner ensures they're up-to-date with the latest trends and changes within the platform, enabling businesses to stay ahead of their competition.

When setting up your Google Ads account, there's more than just bidding to consider. One must also contemplate budget allocations, track conversions, and keep a close eye on ad performance. For businesses that are serious about their digital marketing objectives, leveraging Google Ads services is not just a preference but a necessity. This is where agencies specializing in PPC (Pay-Per-Click) management come into play.

The world of paid search is vast. With platforms like Google and Bing offering extensive networks for advertisers, it's easy to see why paid search ads have become a cornerstone of digital marketing. But, how do you know if your Google Ads campaigns are performing? This is where a digital marketing manager equipped with expertise in conversion rate optimization can be invaluable.

A successful Google Ads campaign isn't solely about achieving clicks. It's about ensuring that those clicks convert into meaningful actions, whether it's a sale, a subscription, or a download. The key is aligning your Google Ads strategy with your business goals. For instance, if you're aiming to raise brand awareness, you might focus on maximizing impressions. However, if driving sales is your aim, then your ad spend should align with keywords and ads that attract buyers.

For those unfamiliar with the terminologies, wading through PPC campaigns, remarketing ads, and search ads might feel overwhelming. This is why many businesses turn to renowned Google Ads companies to streamline their advertising strategy. Whether it's fine-tuning keyword lists, writing ad copy that resonates, or exploring new keywords, these companies ensure that every cent of the ad spend delivers real results.

One might wonder, "With so many Google Ads agencies out there, how do I find the best fit for my business?" Client reviews, the agency's track record in igniting visibility, and their approach towards performance-based outcomes are good indicators. For businesses looking for a more hands-off approach, some agencies offer Google Ads management services for a flat fee, leaving you more time to focus on other things.

However, not all agencies are created equal. While some offer a full suite of services including paid social, search marketing, and even performance marketing, others might specialize solely in paid advertising. It's essential to define your specific goals and then choose a Google Ads agency partner that aligns with those objectives.

In recent years, there's been a rise in performance marketing. The term implies that payment or ad spend is directly tied to the outcomes achieved. So, if you're working with an agency on a performance-based model, you'll only part with your money when specific, pre-agreed results are met. This could be anything from acquiring qualified leads to boosting sales.

With the plethora of options out there, from single grain agencies focusing on niche sectors to the best PPC agencies that offer end-to-end solutions, the choices can be overwhelming. However, with the right Google Ads agency, one can optimize management fees, harness the expertise of PPC experts, and ensure that every dollar spent translates into measurable growth.

To conclude, Google Ads, when wielded correctly, can be a formidable tool in your marketing arsenal. By understanding the intricacies of bidding, collaborating with the best Google Ads agencies, and ensuring your Google campaigns resonate with your potential customers, you'll be better poised to achieve your business milestones. Remember, the goal is not just visibility but to translate that visibility into tangible outcomes. And with the right agency partner, achieving this becomes not just a possibility but a reality.

Our cases

Thanks to our experience and expertise we solve ambitious tasks and create outstanding cases

Five Stars Agency in numbers

13 years

Experience and expertise in Internet advertising

150 +

Regular customers on the promotion

25 +

Competent specialists in various fields

85 %

Our clients are recommendations

Testimonials from our clients

We are proud of each of our clients and glad to help them conquer the Internet
We, the Medical Help Center, have been working with Five Stars for more than 3 years already. We have great confidence in this company that have a team of professionals who adapt to the customer with the best solutions and suggestions to th...
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Natalia Administrator HELP
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to "Five Stars Digital Agency" company for the fruitful cooperation! Professional approach, accurate and immediate execution of tasks and goals, competence, responsible attitude to every stage ...
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I think you are an operational and responsive team. You really do your job very well and we have a collaboration with potential.
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We work on weekdays from 9:30 to 18:30. Applications sent on weekends will be processed on the first business day until 10:30.
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We work on weekdays from 9:30 to 18:30. Applications sent on weekends will be processed on the first business day until 10:30.
By clicking the button, you consent to the processing of personal data and agree to the privacy policy.

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