CRM Implementation of Bitrix 24 system

Take your sales team to the next level

How do you know that you are long overdue to implement a customer relationship management system (CRM Bitrix 24)?

Frequently Asked Questions

Bitrix24 CRM is a comprehensive solution for customer relationship management that integrates a variety of tools to automate and enhance business processes. The importance of CRM lies in its ability to centrally store and manage customer data, which facilitates more efficient management of sales, marketing, and customer service. The main advantages of implementing Bitrix24 include:

  • Data Organization: All customer, sales, and interaction data are stored in one place, simplifying access and information management.
  • Increased Sales Efficiency: CRM automates routine tasks such as sending emails, creating reports, and setting tasks, allowing your employees to focus on more important tasks.
  • Improved Customer Interaction: Systematizing customer interactions helps provide more personalized and timely service, increasing customer satisfaction.
  • Analysis and Optimization: CRM offers powerful analytical tools for tracking key metrics such as lead conversion, employee performance, and marketing ROI, helping to improve strategies and business efficiency.

Bitrix24 offers a wide range of features that help automate and improve various aspects of your business:

  • Contact Management: Store all customer information in one place, including contact details, interaction history, notes, and customer segmentation by various criteria.
  • Sales Management: Sales pipelines, deal tracking, forecasting, and task automation allow you to control every stage of sales and increase their efficiency.
  • Marketing Tools: Capabilities for mass mailings, marketing campaign automation, and the creation and management of advertising campaigns help attract new customers and retain existing ones.
  • Communications: Built-in chats, video calls, telephony, and email provide a quick and convenient way to communicate within the company and with customers.
  • Task and Project Management: Task setting, project management, deadline, and resource control help organize team work and track project execution.
  • Analytics and Reports: Customizable reports, dashboards, and analytics for sales, marketing, and customer service provide up-to-date information and enable informed decision-making.
  • Integrations: Support for integrations with popular services and platforms such as 1C, Google, Microsoft, social networks, and other CRMs allows you to connect Bitrix24 with your existing systems.

Implementing Bitrix24 will significantly improve your business processes thanks to the following benefits:

  • Automation of Routine Tasks: CRM automates many repetitive tasks such as sending emails, creating reports, and meeting reminders, freeing up your employees' time for more productive work.
  • Centralized Data Management: All customer, sales, and interaction data are stored in one place, simplifying access to information and its management. This promotes more accurate and effective data analysis and decision-making.
  • Improved Communications: Built-in tools for communication and collaboration, such as chats, video calls, and telephony, help your team interact effectively and coordinate actions, increasing productivity and quality of customer service.
  • Increased Transparency: CRM provides tools for monitoring and analyzing all business processes, allowing you to quickly identify and solve problems as well as improve processes.
  • Personalized Customer Experience: CRM helps provide more personalized and high-quality service to customers through a systematic approach to managing contacts, interaction histories, and tasks. This increases customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The time required to implement Bitrix24 depends on several factors, including the size of your business, the complexity of your processes, and the level of customization you need. On average, the implementation process can take from a few weeks to several months and includes the following stages:

  • Analysis and Planning (1-2 weeks): At this stage, we study your business processes and determine the system requirements. An audit of current processes is conducted, implementation goals and key performance indicators are defined.
  • System Setup (2-4 weeks): Setting up CRM to meet your specific needs, including creating sales pipelines, configuring fields, and integrating with other systems. This includes developing custom interfaces and configuring automated processes.
  • Data Migration (1-2 weeks): Transferring data from existing systems and structuring it in the CRM. We ensure data correctness and integrity, minimizing downtime.
  • User Training (1-2 weeks): Conducting training sessions and providing materials for your team to learn how to use Bitrix24. We ensure that all users understand how to effectively use the system and get the most benefit from it.
  • Testing and Launch (1-2 weeks): Testing the system for errors and final setup before launch. We conduct tests on real data to ensure the system's correctness and readiness for operation.

Data security in Bitrix24 is ensured through several layers of protection:

  • Data Encryption: All data is transmitted using SSL encryption, preventing interception and unauthorized access. This ensures data protection during transmission between users and servers.
  • Backup: Regular data backups allow for quick information recovery if necessary. We ensure that backups are stored in multiple locations for additional security.
  • Access Control: The ability to configure access levels for different users, restricting access to confidential information. We configure a role-based access model that matches your organizational structure.
  • Monitoring and Auditing: Built-in tools for monitoring user activity and auditing actions help identify and prevent potential threats. We track suspicious activity and promptly respond to security incidents.
  • Compliance with Standards: Bitrix24 complies with international data security standards and undergoes regular independent audits. We ensure compliance with GDPR, CCPA, and other regulatory requirements to guarantee client data protection.

The costs of implementing Bitrix24 depend on several factors, including the size of your business, the number of users, and the level of customization. The main costs include:

  • Licenses: The cost of a Bitrix24 subscription depends on the chosen plan and the number of users. There are free, basic, standard, and professional plans, each offering different levels of functionality.
  • Implementation: The cost of implementation services, including analysis, system setup, data migration, and user training. Implementation may include custom solution development, integration with other systems, and automation setup.
  • Support and Maintenance: Regular costs for technical support and system updates. We offer various support packages, including basic support, premium support, or a dedicated manager to meet your needs. We offer flexible pricing plans and customized solutions to help you optimize costs and get the most out of your CRM implementation. We also provide a detailed cost estimate and justification at each stage of the project.

Yes, Bitrix24 supports integration with many popular services and platforms. We can set up integration with your existing systems, such as:

  • Email Services: Integration with Gmail, Outlook, and other email services for managing emails. This allows for email, calendar, and contact synchronization, providing a single access point to all data.
  • Social Networks: Integration with Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other platforms for managing customer interactions on social media. You can manage social media campaigns and track results directly in the CRM.
  • Telephony: Integration with various IP telephony systems for call recording, contact management, and task automation. This includes the ability to make calls directly from the CRM, record them, and link them to customer records.
  • ERP and Accounting Systems: Integration with systems such as 1C for managing financial and accounting processes. This helps automate accounting and inventory management and synchronize sales and financial data.
  • Marketing Tools: Integration with mass mailing services, analytics platforms, and marketing automation tools. You can manage marketing campaigns and track their effectiveness directly from the CRM.
  • Web Analytics: Integration with Google Analytics and other tools for tracking traffic and analyzing user behavior. This allows linking user interaction data on the website with sales and customer data in the CRM.

Training your team is an essential part of the successful implementation of CRM. We offer the following training services:

  • Online Courses: Access to online courses and video tutorials covering all aspects of using Bitrix24, from basic functions to advanced settings. These materials are available anytime and allow your employees to learn at their own pace.
  • Webinars and Workshops: Conducting webinars and workshops that allow your team to ask questions and get answers in real time. We offer both general webinars and individual sessions tailored to your specific needs.
  • Individual Sessions: One-on-one training sessions for key users to help them understand the system's capabilities more deeply and use it effectively in their daily work. We also offer mentoring and support as needed.
  • Documentation and Guides: Providing detailed guides, instructions, and reference materials to help your employees quickly master the system. We also provide step-by-step instructions and usage examples for various scenarios.
  • Post-launch Support: Our team is ready to support and answer any questions your team may have after the system is launched. We offer consultations and technical support to ensure the system's smooth operation.

We provide comprehensive post-implementation support to ensure the smooth operation of the system and help you get the most out of Bitrix24:

  • Technical Support: Prompt resolution of technical issues and consultations on using the system. We provide various levels of support, including basic support, premium support, and a dedicated manager to oversee your project.
  • Updates and Improvements: Regular system updates with new features and enhancements, ensuring you always use the latest capabilities. We also inform you about new features and provide recommendations on their use.
  • Analysis and Optimization: Regular analysis of system usage and recommendations for process optimization to increase efficiency and achieve business goals. We audit system usage and provide reports with improvement recommendations.
  • Training and Workshops: Continued training of your team as new features and capabilities are added to the system. We offer additional courses and webinars so your employees can continually improve their skills.
  • Development Consulting: Assistance in expanding and adapting the system as your business grows and its needs change. We provide strategic consulting and help develop new solutions and integrations.

To start the process of implementing Bitrix24, contact us through any convenient means for you — phone, email, or through the contact form on our website. We will schedule a consultation to discuss your goals, requirements, and current business processes. During this meeting, we will gather all necessary information about your business, discuss the functional requirements for the CRM, and outline the key stages of implementation. After this, we will prepare a detailed proposal describing the work stages, timelines, and budget. Once you approve the proposal, we will begin working on your project. Throughout the implementation process, we will keep you updated on all stages, providing interim reports and considering your feedback and preferences. Our goal is to create and implement a CRM system that fully meets your expectations and helps your business grow and develop. We also offer post-implementation support and consulting to ensure the successful use of the system and the achievement of your business objectives.


of businesses around the world use Bitrix24 CRM


This is how long it will take to implement the CRM system Bitrix24 in your business


we provide technical support. Your business needs to run smoothly

The #1 solution of a ready-made CRM system for your business -

according to IT solutions rating

According to TAGLINE IT service rating (, Bitrix24 is the best solution for implementing a ready-to-use CRM system for business needs.

With Bitrix24 CRM you sell more by controlling all channels of interaction with your customers. The system automates your sales and suggests the best solutions.

CRM system Bitrix24 is:
- customer support all the way through the sales funnel, from initial contact to purchase;
- automatic sending of messages and emails to your customers;
- storage of all calls, letters, chats with each client, including correspondence in social networks;
- Enhance primary and repeat sales.

  • phone All calls, emails, chats with clients on the site and in social networks are stored in CRM
  • funnel CRM itself leads the client through the funnel: from first contact to a successful transaction
  • robot Robots send emails, sms and automate sales to customers
  • megafon CRM-marketing helps strengthen primary and repeat sales
  • director

    The Bitrix24 CRM system is a competitive advantage.

    Analyze your business, improve its efficiency and outperform your competitors.

    Founder, Five Stars Agency

    How much does it cost to implement and configure the CRM system Bitrix24?

    We offer you a customized solution based on a professional analysis of your sales channels. Implementation of CRM Bitrix24 will automate the work of your sales department and increase the efficiency of its work.

    What do you get?

    Cost of implementation from 3999 USD

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