Blog about Digital Marketing

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What can marketers do during the holiday season
The last days of December are a period of intense competition among advertising budgets. In anticipa ...
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Template Website or Custom Design: What to Choose?
There are numerous offers on the internet for affordable website development. The overwhelming major ...
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20 Mistakes of Online Stores
Owners and administrators of various online stores often turn to us at FIVE STARS AGENCY for assista ...
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10 Recommendations for the Client or How to Create a Good Website
Various organizations with different forms of activities have already created, are creating, or are ...
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When SMM Promotion WON'T Help
So, you've decided to promote your business on social media? Your decision can be profitable! Many c ...
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10 Reliable Ways to Increase Reach on Instagram
Not long ago, increasing reach and boosting engagement on Instagram was a fairly straightforward tas ...
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5 reasons to entrust SMM promotion to a digital agency
Some organizations handle social media marketing (SMM) promotion on their own. Typically, these resp ...
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Why SEO Promotion is Better Entrusted to a Digital Agency Rather Than a Freelancer?
The work of a freelancer is sometimes compared to the work of a digital agency. Indeed, some individ ...
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How to Avoid Wasting Your Advertising Budget When Launching Contextual Advertising
The effectiveness of contextual advertising largely depends on the budget size. Typically, the highe ...
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Difference between a certified Google agency and a non-certified one.
Have you noticed how advertising agencies often shout "We are the best" in their pursuit of clients? ...
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What is performance marketing and what is it used for?
The definition of "performance marketing" can be found in many contemporary studies and articles. Ho ...
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Internet marketer's checklist
A recent study conducted by Google experts revealed rather weak usability performance among major in ...